Thursday, September 19, 2013

How to change your oil in your car/truck

In this post I'm going to explain how to change oil in your truck and or car. First step first that go to an automotive store.You need a certain oHow to change oil in your truck / and oil filter for your truck/car year and model.When you change your oil it's good to have your car / truck warm before you do it.this way you get all the oil out including the gunky s*** at the bottom of the oil pan ,but not hot or you will burn the s*** out of yourself.Second step if you have a smaller car or a non-american small car I would recommend ramps and a automotive creeper. If you have a truck then you're set. Now you want to get underneath your car / truck and you will be up at the front of your vehicle you will take out the nut on the oil pan if you don't know where the oil pan is its towards the front of the car and should be directly underneath your engine / transmission.On a truck they will most likely be half and inch. You will need an oil pan for your old oil to drain into. Once all the old oil is drained you will need to put a nut back on.Third step you'll be changing the oil filter. You can get a filter wrench any automotive store, if it's on there too tight usually you can just take it off with your hands.I usually just poke a hole in the bottom of the filter with a screwdriver and let the oil drain as well into the oil pan.After you take that off and the oil is all drained take out the new filter.You can get pre-lubed filters. If you don't get one of those then open up a bottle or one of the bottles of oil stick your finger in and rub on the top rubber band of the filter. Hell splash little oil in there as well. Put that sucker back on tight, but not too tight or too loose.Alright the last the best oil you can probably get is Valvoline. Any oil you get is fine as long as its made for your make or model. Now your going to take the new oil and you'll need a funnel to dump your oil into the crank case, this is located right through you're fill tube. Then you're done. Start that baby up and listen to her go.


  1. I never knew it was this easy WOW!!!!

  2. Sick, I actually will need to know this at some point.
